Activating Automatic Shift of Fixings for Base Metal Swaps

When you price an instrument which involves fixings, SDX Commodities & Energy automatically determines the fixing dates from the data you input in the First Fixing, Last Fixing and Frequency fields. You can then see the fixing dates in the Fixing Details window (this is accessed by clicking the Fixing Details button).

When you price a base metal swap, according to market convention each fixing date should be automatically shifted forward by two days. You can choose whether this market convention for base metal swaps should be activated by default, and the fixing dates automatically adjusted.

You do this by enabling the feature in the Customize window. If you activate this feature, you will see that the fixing dates in the Fixing Details window have been adjusted.

To enable the Fixing Shift feature for base metal swaps:

1. On the ribbon bar in the Home tab click Settings.
2. In the Customize window click the Default Settings tab.
3. Check the Shift Base Metals Swaps by two business days checkbox.
4. Click Save and then click OK.