In the multi-asset Historical Analysis page you must define the period for which you want to see the data charted. You do this in the Period Display area by specifying the start and end dates of the period.
You can now define the period:
Using one of SD’s supported date shortcuts in the Start Date and End Date fields.
That is, you use a number and a modifying letter—d (for days), w (for weeks), m (for months) and y (for years). When you then click elsewhere in the page or press <Tab> on the keyboard the system enters the appropriate date, i.e., the defined tenor prior to the current date. So if you enter 3m in the Start Date field and 1w in the End Date field, the beginning of the chart period will be three months prior to the current date and its end will be one week prior to the current date.
By manually entering the date in the Start Date and End Date fields, and then pressing <Tab> on the keyboard or clicking elsewhere in the page itself.
By clicking the Calendar icon to open the calendar where you can then select a date.