The total premium is the market worth of all the deals in the strategy (in the Single Option page) or all the deals in the portfolio (in the Portfolio page) as calculated using SuperDerivatives’ model if it was to be sold right now under current market conditions.
It is calculated as follows:
total price of the strategy x the total volume of the strategy
This result can also be calculated as the sum of the market premiums for each individual leg in the strategy/portfolio. It is presented as an amount in the base currency.
It is important to note that:
This result is only displayed if a volume is entered for each leg/deal.
When calculating this result, for the relevant strategies (i.e., a vanilla strategy or vanilla strip strategy which has more than one leg or option, one of which you are buying and one of which you are selling, all of which have the same expiry date) the system takes the choice price into account.