From SDX Commodities & Energy you can access:
This is SD's real-time market data, news, chat and analysis platform.
The other SD pricing products (for which you are authorized), without having to log in to them separately. The SD products that you can access are as follows: SDX Foreign Exchange, SDX Interest Rates, SDX Equities and SDX Credit. However, only the products for which you are registered and authorized are active.
You access these platforms via the application toolbar (as seen in See "Accessing Other SD Products and Open Pricing Pages in Those Products") by clicking the tab for the appropriate product. The current product is marked with a light blue highlight.
Figure 1: Accessing Other SD Products and Open Pricing Pages in Those Products
You can do this via the toolbar in any of the following pages by clicking the tab for the appropriate product:
Single Option page
Portfolio page
In addition, if you have multiple pricing pages open in a product, you can easily navigate between them using the relevant tab on the application toolbar.
When you click a product tab, if you are currently logged in for that product and there are multiple pricing pages open, a list of the open pages is displayed.
From this list you can choose which page you want to be currently active.