Opening a Portfolio from the Single Option Page

From the Single Option page, you can open any portfolio to which you have access rights. You do this via the Portfolio Management window which you can access by clicking the Open button from the Home tab.

A portfolio will only open in the Single Option page if it contains a single option. If the portfolio you have chosen contains more than one option, the Single Option page is automatically changed to the Portfolio page.

Irrespective of the portfolio’s trade date, by default the portfolio opens with the current market rates (i.e., the latest rates saved in the system). This lets you see how much the portfolio is currently worth.

However, you can choose to open the portfolio using saved market data (i.e., the rates displayed in the portfolio when you saved it). This lets you see how much the portfolio was worth on the date you traded it. A portfolio can contain one or more trades.

To open a portfolio from the Single Option page:

1. In the pricing page click the Home tab > Open button. The Portfolio Management window opens.
2. Click the portfolio you want to open.
3. If you want it to open with the saved market rates, click the checkbox.
4. Click Open. If it is a single option, it opens in the Single Option page; if it contains more than one option it opens in the Portfolio page.