When you price an instrument on a certain underlying asset, it would be useful if you could then easily access a list of all your clients who have expressed an interest in this asset in the past.
In SDX Commodities & Energy you can do this by clicking the Who to Call button (which appears in the Sales tab on the ribbon bar). The system then displays your client list filtered to display only those clients who are interested in the current asset.
SD creates this list by looking at the information saved for each client in the Client Trading Activity system, specifically the assets they have traded with you in the past or those in which they have expressed an interest. So it uses past activity to predict future interest.
This customized list of clients to call, available by one click of the mouse:
Will save you valuable research time.
Help to increase your sales productivity, by ensuring you direct your calls to the right targets.
In addition, by giving you direct access from the pricer into the Client Trading Activity system this feature lets you seamlessly connect to your client list and ensure that it is always kept updated. For example, as soon as you carry out a deal with a client you can directly access the Client Trading Activity system from the pricer and enter the deal's details under that client's name.