After editing the BMA Curve you can then save it for use at a later time.
By default the saved file is called BMA Yield Curve <current date><current time> and it is automatically saved into the SD-IR Explorer window in the following path—Personal Folders > Market Data > BMA Yield Curve into the USD folder.
When you save the file you can change its name and, also, add a comment.
Once a BMA curve has been saved, at any time you can then load it into the BMA Curve page. For more information on this functionality see Opening a Saved BMA Curve.
To save the current BMA curve:
1. | In the BMA Curve select the trade date. |
2. | Make any changes as necessary. |
3. | To save the rates click the Save button. The Save Prompt window opens. |
4. | Edit the name if necessary. |
5. | Enter a comment if required. |
6. | Click OK and then click OK. The BMA curve is saved. |