Saving a BMA Curve

After editing the BMA Curve you can then save it for use at a later time.

By default the saved file is called BMA Yield Curve <current date><current time> and it is automatically saved into the SD-IR Explorer window in the following path—Personal Folders > Market Data > BMA Yield Curve into the USD folder.

When you save the file you can change its name and, also, add a comment.

Once a BMA curve has been saved, at any time you can then load it into the BMA Curve page. For more information on this functionality see Opening a Saved BMA Curve.

To save the current BMA curve:

1. In the BMA Curve select the trade date.
2. Make any changes as necessary.
3. To save the rates click the Save button. The Save Prompt window opens.
4. Edit the name if necessary.
5. Enter a comment if required.
6. Click OK and then click OK. The BMA curve is saved.