The BMA Curve displays the municipal BMA swap index (also called the US SIFMA Municipal Swap Index). This data is used by the system to price the BMA swap, which is an interest rate swap where the floating leg is set by reference to the BMA municipal swap index1 rather than by reference to a short-term reference rate.
It also displays the municipal BMA swap index (also called the US SIFMA Municipal Swap Index). That is, for the selected trade date SD shows the last available 7-day cash fixing rate. That is, for the selected trade date SD shows the last available 7-day cash fixing rate. If the official published rate for the selected trade date is not yet available, the system displays the last official rate that is available
The BMA Curve page is accessed by clicking the Curves tab > BMA Curves tab on the left-hand menu.
In addition, for each swap rate tenor displayed you see the following data which by default is supplied by SD:
This is the swap rate tenor’s maturity date.
Interest rate
% of LIBOR
By default, the BMA Curve page opens with the inflation yield curve for USD, the current trade date and the market data cut-off time set in the pricing page from which it was opened. In addition, the swap rate tenors come from the customize settings for the BMA swaps. To change what is displayed see Controlling What Is Displayed in the BMA Curve Page.
The Yield Curve is accessed by:
Clicking the Curves tab > BMA Curve on the left-hand menu.
On the ribbon bar in the Trader tab, Structurer tab or the Market Data tab clicking Curves > BMA Curve.
From the Open button > Curves > BMA Curve.
The following topics are covered:
Fields & Buttons in the BMA Curve Page
What Can Be Done in the BMA Curve Page
Understanding the Colors Used for Rates in a Yield Curve