By default, the BMA Curve page opens with the inflation yield curve for USD, the current trade date and the market data cut-off set in the pricing page from which it was opened. In addition, the swap rate tenors come from the customize settings for the BMA swaps.
Once the page is open:
You can control for which trade date the inflation yield curve are displayed.
By default this is taken from the pricing page from which this page was opened, but you can change it using the Trade Date field.
For which market data cut-off time the BMA curve is displayed.
By default this is taken from the pricing page from which this page was opened, but you can change it using the Cut Off dropdown list. For more information on this feature see Changing the Market Data Cut-off Time.
You can customize the swap rate tenors used.
By default these settings are taken from the customize settings for the inflation instrument (see Customizing the BMA Curves). But you can change them as necessary via the Settings window.
For more information on what the various colors in this page mean, such as red text or blue highlights, see Understanding the Colors Used for Rates in a Yield Curve