SDX Commodities Help > Supported Instruments

Supported Instruments

Using SDX Commodities & Energy you can enter and price a wide range of commodity instruments, including:

Cash deals



An option is a contract that conveys to its owner the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the underlying (currency, commodity, etc.) at a specified price on or before a given date in the future. There are two main types of option:

Vanilla—this is the most basic type of option.

Exotic—this covers any non-standard option.

This section lists all the instruments supported in SDX Commodities & Energy. For each instrument, some or all of the following information is presented:

A brief description of the instrument and how it works.

Advantages of the instrument.

This section explains why the instrument is used and who is likely to use it.

How to price the instrument in SDX Commodities & Energy.

The following instruments are supported:


Cash Flow





Swap Strip


Forward Strip

Spread Swap

Spread Swap Strip

Spread Swap 3-Leg

Spread Swap 3-Leg Strip

Basis Swap

Basis Swap Strip


Vanilla Strip

Vanilla Strategies



2-Vol Strangle


Three-Vol Butterfly

Vanilla Calendar Spread


Call Spread

Put Spread

Participating Forward

Two-Leg Vanilla

Three-Leg Vanilla

Vanilla Strip Strategies


Bullet Strategies


Asian Strip

Asian Strategy

Asian Call Spread

Asian Put Spread

Asian Collar

Asian Two Leg

Asian Strangle

Asian Calendar

Asian Strip Strategy

Asian Digital

Asian Digital Strip

Asian with Barrier

Asian Strip with Barrier

Compound Options

Compound Asian Strip

Compound Asian Strip Collar


Barrier Options

European Knock Out

European Knock Out Strip

European Knock In

Knock Out

Knock In

Double American Knock Out

Double American Knock In

American Knock In & Knock Out

European-American Knock Out



Binary Options

European Binary

European Binary Strip

European Range Bet

European Binary with American Knock Out

European Binary with American Knock In

European Binary with Double American Knock Out

American One Touch

American No Touch

American Double One Touch

American Double No Touch

American One Touch with American Knock Out

American No Touch with American Knock In

Spread Option

Spread Option Strip

Calendar Spread


Crack Strip

Target Redemption (TARN)

Gas Formula

Gas Formula Strip

Basket Option

Quanto Basket Option

Best of Option

Worst of Option

Composite Version of Instruments

Quanto Version of Instruments