For each instrument you select, the system displays the relevant fields.
Field |
Description |
Shortcut |
Lets you price supported instruments in a quick and easy way using a set of predefined parameters, each separated by one or more spaces. For more information on using the Shortcut field, see Pricing an Instrument in the Shortcut Field . |
Trade date |
Defines the trade date. This field defaults to today, but you can change it using the + and - buttons, or enter a date manually. Note that: Once market data is displayed in the page, when you change the trade date the market data is updated automatically. If you enter a historical date, the market data that is displayed for the deal is the saved market data for that historical date |
Commodity |
Lets you define the commodity. You can choose the commodity from a dropdown list, or enter it using its shortcut. Alternatively, use the autocomplete functionality. For the selected option, SDX Commodities & Energy then opens the required fields and fills them in where appropriate. |
Exchange |
Defines the exchange used in pricing this commodity. |
Base unit |
Lets you switch the asset's default base unit to a different unit of measurement. Currently you can switch between the default base unit of tons and the base unit of liters for the following assets: The diesel asset, ULSD 10 PPM FOB ARA (ULSD10) The gasoline asset, Premium Unleaded Barges FOB Rotterdam (GASOLINE) |
Base currency |
By default, this dropdown list defines the asset's base currency. You can then select a different base currency using the dropdown list. This instructs the system to create a composite version of the instrument, i.e., it affects the term structure used to price the instrument and its payout currency. For supported instruments, you can then instruct the system to instead create a quanto version of the instrument using the Compo <> Quanto button. |
Settlement date |
Defines the actual delivery of the underlying commodity. |
Nearby Contract |
This read-only field defines the underlying of the chosen commodity. It is the value or cash price of one unit of the commodity on the commodity’s nearest future date. That is, it is the closing price of the nearest future contract. Next to the value of the future contract, the future contract month is also displayed.
3MT |
This field defines the underlying for the chosen base metal commodity, which is the 3MT forward (i.e., the forward price in three months time). |
Spot |
This field defines the spot rate for the relevant commodities, such as precious metals, base metals, Aeco Natural Gas, etc. |
Day ahead price |
This field defines the futures price for electricity delivering continuously over the whole of the next business day.
Option class |
Defines the option class. You can select an option from the dropdown list, enter its shortcut code or use the autocomplete functionality. |
Underlying |
Defines the underlying futures contract. When pricing an instrument, you must necessarily define an underlying—which consists of an asset and its underlying contract. For each asset there is a market convention regarding the default underlying contract. So depending on the asset itself the default underlying contract can be any of the following: Nearby contract (also known as the front month). Spot Day ahead price 3MT By default SD uses the market convention contract. However, for supported instruments (and depending on the selected asset), you can also choose to use a specific underlying contract instead, by selecting the Contract setting from the Underlying dropdown list and then defining the specific contract.
In addition note that: If the instrument involves fixings, this field also determines on what the fixings are to be based. Accordingly, in this dropdown list there may be extra choices available —as relevant to the selected asset, i.e., whether it is an OTC or listed asset, etc. So, for example, if you are pricing an Asian on Copper (grade A), besides being able to select the front contract or a specific contract you can also choose to use the spot contract or the 3MT contract instead. For a barrier option, this field determines on what the trigger is based. For a Calendar Spread you define an underlying contract for Contract 1 and a different one for Contract 2. For a vanilla strip, a European binary strip, or a European knock out strip, by default the underlying contract for each underlying instrument in the chosen strip is automatically set to the nearby contract. However, if required, you can choose to use a specific contract for the entire strip instead. When pricing the following instruments—vanilla, vanilla strategy (except for the vanilla calendar spread), vanilla strip, vanilla strip call spread, vanilla strip collar and the vanilla strip two leg—on most assets, you can only set the asset’s underlying to either the nearby contract or to a specific contract. However, when pricing these instruments on some on some base metal assets you can choose to set the underlying for one of these instruments to 3MT or spot instead. The base metal assets for which you can do this are as follows—Copper (grade A), Aluminium (primary), Aluminium Alloy, Aluminium (NASAA), Lead (standard), Nickel (primary), Tin and Zinc. |
Extension premium |
Defines the additional premium that will be paid if you decide to actually exercise the compound instrument and so enter into its underlying option. Although this premium is set on the trade date it is not paid until the extension date, and only in the event that on the extension date you choose to exercise the compound instrument and so enter into the underlying instrument.
Extension date |
Defines the date on which you must decide whether to enter into the compound's underlying instrument. It must be set to a date prior to the start of the underlying instrument.
Strike |
Defines (for most deals) the price per unit at which the option may be exercised on a specified date in the future. You can manually enter a value in this field or type a shortcut, for example, atm will give you a strike that is the same as the current forward rate. |
Barrier |
Defines the barrier that the underlying must be above or below at any moment the barrier is monitored in order to knock the option in or out.
Start date |
Defines the start of the barrier monitoring window for an American style of an Asian with Barrier. |
End |
Defines the end of the barrier monitoring window for an American style of an Asian with Barrier. |
Barriers monitor |
Defines the type of barrier window definition to be used for an Asian Strip with Barrier. There are two options for defining the barrier windows, as follows: Choose At Period to set each Asian's barrier window to the duration of that Asian. Choose Same Begin Date to set each Asian's barrier window barrier to begin on the start date of the first Asian in the strip. |
Current spread |
Defines for the calendar spread the current spread between the two futures contracts. This field is only displayed for a calendar spread. |
Lets you manually assign a Choice Price to this leg of the strategy. For more information on working with choice prices click here. |
Payout currency |
Defines the currency in which the payout is to be made. |
Correlation |
For a calendar spread instrument this defines the correlation between the futures contracts. |
Gas term |
Defines the duration of the gas formula swap or the gas formula swap strip. According to market convention, each gas term must be a complete month. So for the gas formula swap you must enter a single contract or month. For the gas formula swap strip click the i button to see the valid durations. After you enter the gas term the system automatically defines the begin and end dates, which cannot be manually edited.
Swap term |
Defines the duration of the swap or underlying strip of swaps. For a swap strip or swaption you can enter the duration manually or using one of the duration convention shortcuts. For a list of the duration convention shortcuts click the i button. |
Basis swap term |
Defines the expiry of the basis swap. |
Term |
Defines the expiry of the OTC spread swap. |
Forward term |
Defines the duration of the forward or forward strip. |
Begin Date/End Date |
The Begin Date and End Date fields indicate when the underlying instruments begin and end. These fields are used for instruments that do not necessarily begin immediately. For example, in Asian strips, Asian strip strategies, swap strips and swaptions, the underlying swaps can begin at some point in the future. These two fields are initially read-only, that is they are automatically set by the system when you enter the following information for an instrument: Its fixing and/or expiry frequency. Its expiry date (which you do in the Expiry field for an option with a single expiry, such as an Asian option) or its duration (which you do in the Shortcut field for an instrument with a strip of underlying instruments, such as Vanilla strips or Asian strips, or in the Swap Term field, for swaps, swap strips and swaptions). The system uses these details to work out the range of the instrument or strip of underlying instruments. It displays this range using the Begin Date and End Date fields. Once these dates have been set by the system, you can then manually edit them.
First pricing date |
Defines (for a swap strip) the first fixing date. |
Last pricing date |
Defines (for a swap strip) the last fixing date. |
Expiry frequency |
Lets you define the expiry frequency of each coupon in a swap strip or underlying instrument in a strip. For strip options, this information (together with the expiry date) lets SDX Commodities & Energy work out how many options to price. To view the list of the options, click the Expiry Dates & Rates button. By default the setting is set according to market conventions. The choices include the following: Daily Weekly Monthly Bi Weekly End of month Beginning of month Every 15th of month Exchange dates Quarterly |
Fixing frequency |
Defines the frequency on which fixings need to be set over the life of the instrument. This data helps SDX Commodities & Energy work out on which dates the fixings need to be set. The choices include the following: Daily Weekly Monthly Beginning of month End of month Penultimate Date Exchange dates Last 3 days Last 7 days Last 15 days Quarterly Other
Target redemption |
Defines the redemption target after which the Target Redemption (TARN) terminates. |
First expiry |
Defines the expiry of the first option in the strip. |
Last expiry |
Defines the expiry of the last option in the strip. |
First fixing |
Defines the date of the first fixing. |
Last fixing |
Defines the date of the last fixing. |
Underlying swap |
Defines the underlying swap rate for the period of the option which is then used to calculate an Asian option or an Asian Strip. For an Asian option the swap rate is simply the swap rate for that option. For an Asian Strip, the swap rate displayed is the average of the individual swap rate for each individual Asian option in the strip.
Underlying price |
Defines the underlying price for a vanilla strip or a vanilla strip strategy. When you enter the expiry date for the vanilla strip or vanilla strip strategy in the Single Option pricing page the relevant underlying price is automatically displayed along with the rest of the market data that SDX Commodities & Energy provides. The underlying price is the average of all the underlying forward rates of the individual options that make up each vanilla strip or vanilla strip strategy. You can see the individual forward rate for each underlying vanilla option by clicking the Expiry Dates & Rates button.
Future price |
Defines the future price for the specified futures contract.
Knock in trigger |
Defines the trigger that must be hit in order during the option’s lifetime to activate the underlying option. If it is hit, there is a payout. |
Knock out trigger |
Defines the trigger that must not be hit during the option’s lifetime. If it is hit, the underlying option is knocked out and there is no payout. |
Low trigger/high trigger |
Defines the range within which/outside of which the underlying asset must remain during the option’s lifetime. |
Pivot |
Defines the European knock out trigger.
European trigger |
Defines the barrier that the underlying must be above (or below) on the option’s expiry date. |
American trigger |
Defines the trigger that must not be hit during the option’s lifetime. |
One touch trigger |
Defines the trigger that must be touched during the option’s lifetime in order to activate the payout. |
No touch trigger |
Defines the trigger that must not be touched during the option’s lifetime. If it is touched, there is no payout. |
Underlying forward contract |
Lets you define the underlying forward contact for an option on electricity prices. You enter the contract using a duration shortcut code; the underlying future, the expiry date and the actual delivery period are then set by the system according to the defined shortcut in conjunction with market convention. |
Delivery period |
Defines the duration of the delivery period for an option on electricity prices. This field is set automatically by the system once you enter a duration shortcut code in the Underlying Forward Contract field. |
Expiry |
Defines the date on which the instrument ceases to exist. You can enter the date as follows: Entering a month only. Entering a combination of day, month and year.1 Entering a shortcut for a period and a number, e.g., 4w for 4 weeks.2 Entering a duration shortcut When you enter a month or a contract shortcut, SDX Commodities & Energy automatically supplies the expiry date according to the market convention for the current commodity and deal type. For the: Electricity/Coal/NBP UK Natural Gas commodities this field is set automatically by the system once you enter a shortcut code in the Underlying Forward Contract field. For the crack and the OTC spread instruments, this field is set automatically by the system once you enter a value in the Underlying Contract field for the first commodity. It can then be edited manually. Date validation Each date is checked against the internal calendar for validity, i.e., that it does not fall on a holiday or weekend. If you enter an invalid trade date, you are given the choice to use that date anyway or to use the next valid trade date. For a crack or OTC spread, whenever you edit any of the commodities' underlying contracts the system always checks that the expiry date is set according to the earliest underlying contract defined. |
Shortcut (schedule) |
Defines the duration of a strip. You can enter the duration manually, or you can use one of the duration convention shortcuts. For a list of the available duration conventions click the i button (which appears for most of the different strips). |
Delivery |
For: An exchange-traded option it is the delivery of the underlying future. It is not the date of the actual delivery of the underlying commodity. An OTC option it is the cash settlement of the option itself. These dates are set according to market conventions. For example, for all Asian options the settlement date is automatically set to be two business days after the expiry date; for base metals the settlement date is automatically set to be two business days after the expiry date. A forward it defines the date the forward contract is settled by physical delivery of the asset or cash settlement. |
Settlement |
The settlement for: For exchange-traded options is the settlement of the underlying future. For OTC options is the settlement of the option itself. These dates are set according to market conventions. For example, for all Asian options the settlement date is automatically set to be two business days after the expiry date; for base metals the settlement date is automatically set to be two business days after the expiry date. The user can always change the data supplied by SDX Commodities & Energy. To see the settlement for the individual instruments in a strip, you need to access the Expiry Dates & Rates window (which is opened by clicking the Expiry Dates & Rates button or the Settlement Dates button, depending on the instrument). |
Underlying future |
Displays the underlying future (i.e., the futures contract that is used as the underlying asset for the option) for vanilla exchange-traded options.
When you insert the option’s expiry date, SDX Commodities & Energy works out the relevant futures contract according to market convention. It affects the settlement date of the option, as well as the forward and depo rates used to calculate the price of the option. |
Market data area |
The data3 displayed in the market data area is always displayed for the option's expiry date. For some options it is also displayed for additional dates. That is, for: Partial barrier options, this data is also displayed for the trigger start, as well as for the trigger end date if this is different from the expiry date. For chooser options, this data is also displayed for the expiry date of the chooser option itself (as well as for the expiry date of the underlying option). For compound options, this data is also displayed for the expiry date of the compound option itself (as well as for the expiry date of the underlying option).
ATMF vol |
Defines the mid-rate volatility for an ATM option. By default, whether the ATM volatility displayed for the chosen instrument is ATMF or delta neutral is determined by market convention. The ATM volatility is one of the three amounts4 needed by SDX Commodities & Energy to calculate real-time market volatility. If you change the amount for one of these values (ATMF or ATM delta neutral), the other value is automatically recalculated accordingly. If you change the amount, the field appears highlighted in blue. This indicates that it is a manually input amount, and not taken from the system rates feed. |
Bid/ask spread (%) |
Displays the bid-offer spread for the ATM volatility.
x% ATMF vol |
Displays x% of the ATMF volatility. |
Forward price |
The Forward field defines the forward price for the expiry date. If you enter a month in the expiry date, for example, FEB 07, the forward displayed is the standardized exchange price for that expiry. That means you will see the same forward price for this month in the term structure. However, if you enter your own date, e.g., 3m, the forward is no longer the standardized exchange price, but rather an OTC price for the date 3 months from today. The system calculates this price by using the two standardized contracts on either side of the date entered. |
Forward points |
This description will be available shortly. |
Forward spread (crack) |
This value reflects the spread obtained by trading the defined assets according to the specified crack ratio. That is, the forward crack spread is the future cost of one unit of crack (i.e., the cost of exchanging the base asset with the other assets) on the expiry date.
Weight |
For each asset you must define if the weight is -1 or + 1. -1 means that you selling the asset; +1 means that you are receiving the asset. |
Volume, monthly volume |
Defines the quantity of the commodity to be bought/sold/swapped (depending on deal type) in either lots or the asset's default unit, according to the setting of the Lots <> Default Unit button. If you enter a value here, where relevant the system automatically updates the notional (it does this by multiplying the volume by the strike). For a crack option, when you enter the volume for Asset 1, the system automatically fills the volumes for Asset 2 and Asset 3, according to the values set in the Weight fields and the units of measurement specified for each asset. For a swap strip, vanilla strip, vanilla strip strategy, Asian strip, or an Asian strip strategy, the value entered here indicates the quantity to be bought/sold for each individual option in the strip. You can edit this data on an individual basis in the Expiry Dates & Rates window (accessed by clicking the Expiry Dates & Rates button in the Single Option page or the Expiry Details button in the Portfolio page). If you toggle the Lots <> Default Unit button to Lots then although by default all results that are displayed per unit are displayed in the asset's default unit, you can define that the results that are displayed per unit should be displayed in lots. For more information see Customizing default settings. |
Link volume checkbox |
For a multi-asset instrument (e.g., a spread swap, spread swap strip, spread option, spread option strip) this checkbox defines whether there is a link between the volumes of the underlying assets. If you: Uncheck it, you can define a separate volume for each asset. That is, changing the volume of one commodity has no effect on the volume of the other. This lets you edit the system's default conversion factors according to your own view of the market. Check it, then if you enter or edit the volume of one commodity, the same change is automatically applied to the volume of the other commodity—of course taking into account the conversion factor between the underlying assets and the units of measurement, where applicable. For more information on the conversion factors used in the system see the Conversion Factors Window. |
Notional |
Defines the notional of the option in the base currency. If you enter a value here, SDX Commodities & Energy automatically updates the volume. It does this by dividing the notional by the strike. |
Total volume |
For a strip this field defines the total quantity of the commodity to be traded over the course of the instrument. |
Underlying strip |
Defines the swap rate for a vanilla swap strip on this asset.
Traded rate |
When you enter the swap term/gas term as relevant, the system automatically displays in this field the fixed rate that will give a zero cost instrument (i.e., for a swap it is defined to be the same as the calculated floating rate, which SDX Commodities & Energy calculates as the average of the futures over the period of the swap; for a gas formula forward it is defined to be the same as the calculated gas formula rate, which SDX Commodities & Energy calculates using the defined gas formula). You can of course then manually edit it and then recalculate the instrument. That is, it acts like a strike where you can choose the rate you are trading the asset at. Why would you want to be able to change the rate? There are a number of reasons, but there are two main ones. One is if you agree on a fixed rate on a certain day, but only actually enter the instrument on a later day when the rate itself has already changed. This feature gives you the flexibility to enter the agreed upon rate. The other reason is that it lets you see the present value of an instrument that you entered into in the past with a specified rate.
Payout |
Defines the amount to be paid if the conditions of the option are met.
Shift underlying swap by |
For Asian strategies, you can shift the underlying swap for each leg. |
Shift vol surface by |
For Asian-based options, you can shift the volatility surface by a certain amount. The single arrow increases/decreases the volatility surface in increments of 0.10; the double arrow increases/decreases the volatility surface in increments of 0.25. This lets you use SuperDerivatives' market data to calculate the option but also lets you profit from an increased margin by changing the ATM volatility spread. |
Forward shift by |
Lets you shift the forward curve by a certain amount for: Vanilla strip options Vanilla strip strategies The single arrow increases/decreases the curve in increments of 0.10. This lets you use SuperDerivatives' market data as your starting point and then shift that data slightly depending on your view of the market. |