SDX Commodities Help > Pages & Windows > Single Option Page > What can be Done in the Single Option Page?

What can be Done in the Single Option Page?

In the Single Option page you can:

Navigate to other SD pricing products or to other open pricing pages

Price a deal

Price a deal in the Shortcut field

Save a deal

Open a saved portfolio

Enter a deal into a risk management system

Update market rates used in the instrument

Change the commodity's default base currency

View the market data for a commodity

Edit the market data used to price the current option only

Edit the market data used for this page for current session

View the volatility surface used for pricing instruments on the current commodity

Use the risk chart tool to graphically view how the risks in the current option respond to simultaneous changes in both the underlying asset price and implied volatility

Use the risk matrix tool to see the effect of underlying changes on a position

Switch the display of the results

Open multiple windows simultaneously

Load a new page in the current window

See how changing an option's market volatility will affect the other results

See how changing an option's price will affect the other results

Shift the forward curve for a vanilla strip/vanilla strip strategy

Change an option's fixing details

Use the Solver to:

Create a zero cost strategy

See which strike will give a specific market/defined total premium/Greek

Use a shortcut schedule to enter a strategy's life span

Enter a specific strike

Using Shortcuts to Enter Specific Strikes

Create a zero cost strategy

Decompose a strip instrument into its underlying instruments

Modify the individual options in a strip

For an Asian-based option:

Modify the individual options in an Asian strip

Shift an Asian-based option's volatility surface

Shift the underlying swap

For a swap and swap-based options:

Edit individual legs in a swap

Change the swap's fixed rate

Change the swap's floating rate

Shift the underlying swap for each leg of an Asian strategy

Toggle between single volume and daily volume

Assign a choice price to a supported strategy

For a vanilla strip, a European binary strip, or a European knock out strip, define a specific contract for the entire strip instead of the nearby contract

For a multi-asset instrument, define the conversion factor if required

Pay the premium in installments