The following buttons appear in the Single Option page:
Button |
Description |
SDX About |
Opens the About SDX window which lets you access a list of the new features added to the system. |
Horiz/Vert |
Changes the orientation of the ribbon bar between a horizontal and vertical display. |
Favorites |
Lets you access your Favorites list. |
Recent |
Lets you open a list of the last ten deals you priced using the Shortcut Free Text field. For more information click here. |
Open |
Opens the System Menu functionality. |
Settings |
Opens the Customize window.
SDExcel |
Lets you download SD's Excel add-in so you can integrate SD functionality with any Excel spreadsheet.
Colors |
Lets you change the display color.
Open (F10) |
The Open button opens the Portfolio Management window from where you can load a saved portfolio to the Single Option page. It is important to note that: If you select a portfolio which contains more than one option, it is automatically opened in the Portfolio page. Loading an existing deal into either pricing page overwrites any data currently displayed.
Save |
Opens the Portfolio Management window where you can save the current instrument.
Add to Portfolio |
Opens the Portfolio Management window where you can save the current deal into an existing portfolio or into a new portfolio.
When adding a supported strip instrument (i.e., a swap strip, vanilla strip, Asian strip or forward strip) to a portfolio using the Add to Portfolio button, you must choose whether you want to add it to an existing portfolio as a single structure (by clicking the “Add as Strip instrument” option) or decomposed into its underlying instruments (by clicking the “Add as multi leg” option).
Back Testing |
Opens the Back Testing tool.
Hist. Analysis |
Opens the Historical Analysis window which lets you create charts of historical data for multiple variables for any period during the past 5 years.
Risk Matrix |
Opens the Risk Matrix which lets you see how on the current date the risk in the selected portfolios responds to changes in the underlying.
Greeks Display |
Opens the Greeks Display Window, which lets you easily look at the total risk for any portfolio–whether bucketed across the relevant contracts or tenors, or per expiry date.
Buckets |
Opens the Buckets window which displays for the current instrument the following Greeks (as relevant to the instrument) as they are distributed over the relevant underlying contracts or time buckets (i.e., the results for each underlying instrument/monthly contract): Delta future in terms of units Delta future in terms of lots Gamma in terms of units Vega in base currency This button is only enabled for the following instruments: For a swap, a swap strip, and time-dependent instruments such as a vanilla strip, an Asian strip, an OTC spread strip the Buckets button appears in the ribbon bar > Trader tab. For a gas formula swap and a gas formula swap strip the Buckets button appears in the Results area.
Pricing Table |
Opens the Pricing Table.
Vol Surface |
Opens the Volatility Surface for the current asset.
Term Structure |
Opens the Term Structure for the current asset.
Yield Curve |
Opens the Yield Curve for the current asset.
Opens the Credit Check Window for the current instrument, where you can see the CVA results.
Term Sheet |
Lets you create a term sheet for the current instrument.
Who to Call |
Filters your client list to show who may be interested in the current deal. For more information on the Who to Call feature click here.
Clients’ Activity |
Lets you access the Client Trading Activity system where you can create a list of contacts for easy management and access.
Gives you access to the Blotter in SD's risk management functionality.
Correlations |
Opens the Correlations window.
Market Rates |
This button is no longer active. Instead, you can access a full range of CM market data via SD’s real-time market data portal—DGX. You can access DGX by clicking the DGX tab at the top of the main pricing window, or via the SD Web site.
Conversion |
Opens the Conversion Factors window.
Exchange Data |
Opens the Exchange Prices window for any exchange traded commodity for which there are exchange prices available.
Custom Assets |
Opens the Custom Assets Management Window where you can manage your own assets.
Blotter |
Gives you access to the Blotter in SD's risk management product.
Dashboard |
Gives you access to the Dashboard in SD's risk management product.
Select Books |
Gives you access to the Book Selection window in SD's risk management product.
SD Chat |
Opens the SD helpdesk chat interface. |
Community Chat |
Opens the DGX Chat interface.
Compo <> Quanto button |
Lets you switch between entering into a composite or a quanto version of the instrument.
Real Time radio button Last Settlement Price radio button |
For an exchange-traded option only, these radio buttons let you define whether to base the price of the instrument on the real time forward curve or the official forward curve of the last settled price instead.
Expiry Dates & Rates |
The Expiry Dates & Rates button opens the Expiry Dates & Rates window where you can see information about the underlying legs in a strip. |
Fixing details |
The Fixing Details button opens the Fixing Details window for the current trade. |
Correlation Matrix |
When pricing Asian-based options (Asian, Asian Strategies, Asian Strip and Asian Strip Strategies) or a TARN, the correlation between the underlying futures contract is taken into account. The Correlation Matrix radio button lets you instruct the system to use the term structure correlation when pricing an Asian-based option, whose fixings are based on the nearest future. This is the default correlation setting and means that you use a defined term structure for the correlation. To see the actual term structure used, click the Correlation Matrix button. This will open the Term Structure Correlation window, where you can also edit the figures used. |
Flat Correlation |
When pricing Asian-based options (Asian, Asian Strategies, Asian Strip and Asian Strip Strategies) or a TARN, the correlation between the underlying futures contract is taken into account. The Flat Correlation radio button lets you instruct the system to use a flat correlation when pricing an Asian-based option (whose fixings are based on the nearest future). This means that the same figure is used at every point. To do this, click the Flat Correlation radio button and in the textbox enter the flat correlation which should be taken into account when calculating these options. |
Gas Formula Builder |
The Gas Formula Builder button opens the Gas Formula Builder window.
Parameter Rates & Fixings |
The Parameter Rates & Dates button opens the Parameter Rates & Fixings window.
Fixing Details |
The Fixing Details button displays for a swap the dates on which the payments are to be made.
Call <> Put |
The Call button defines the terms of the contract, that is, whether the option is a call (a call option gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy the specified amount of the base currency at the strike on the specified date) or a put (a put option gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to sell the specified amount of the base currency at the strike price on the specified date). |
European <> American toggle button |
Defines whether the option is European style (a European style option can only be exercised on the expiry date) or American style (an American style option can be exercised at any point during the life of the contract up to and including the expiry date). The style of option you choose affects the displayed results. If you: Select the American style for a vanilla, then you can also customize the transaction type using the OTC <> Margined toggle button. Select the American style for an Asian with barrier, then you can also set the barrier monitoring window using the Start Date and End fields. Select the American style for an Asian strip with barrier, then you can also customize the type of barrier window definition using the Barriers Monitor dropdown list. |
OTC <> Margined toggle button |
Lets you define the transaction type of an American vanilla.
KI <> KO toggle button |
Lets you define whether the option needs to be knocked in or knocked out.
Above <> Below toggle button |
Lets you define whether the option needs to be knocked in or knocked out. It is essential to define not only the type of barrier (i.e., knock IN or knock OUT) but also the direction of the barrier (Above or Below). This is because the definition of this instrument is such that the barrier is triggered if the spot trades “at or beyond” the barrier level at any point during the barrier monitoring period. Accordingly the barrier is considered triggered even if the spot rate is already beyond the barrier level in the monitoring period and never actually crosses the level during this period.
ATMF <> Delta Neutral |
The ATMF <> Delta Neutral toggle button defines the type of ATM volatility displayed. By default, whether this is initially set by the system to ATMF or delta neutral is determined by market convention. You can then change it. |
Last Payment radio buttons |
Lets you choose how to treat the last payment if on a fixing date the target redemption is hit. Select: Capped by Redemption to specify an exact TARN. Paid in Full to specify a non-exact TARN. Nothing to indicate that the last payment should not be made. For more information on these settings see the TARN topic.
Daily Vol <> Volume |
The Daily Vol <> Volume toggle button defines whether the current volume is a single volume or a daily volume.
Lots <> Default Unit |
Defines whether the volume is defined in lots or the asset's default unit, e.g., mmBtu, oz, ton, etc. Once you have defined the volume in either lots or the default unit, you can then toggle to the other volume definition. The system automatically converts the volume according to market convention. For more information, on the market convention for converting a lot to megawatt hours for an instrument on electricity, click here. |
Buy <> Sell |
For most instruments, this button defines whether the current instrument is being bought or sold. For some instruments, e.g., a TARN, there is a separate button that controls the direction of each of the underlying legs.
Market Maker <> Market Taker toggle button |
Lets you choose whether the system solves for a zero cost strategy for the market maker or for the market taker.
Calculate |
Calculates for the current option (using the displayed market data): Greeks Price in various terms as relevant |
Refresh |
If the trade date of the deal is for: The current trade date, clicking Refresh imports the latest saved rates from the system. A trade date in the past, clicking Refresh imports the saved end-of-day rates for that trade date.
Clear |
For the current instrument, clears all data input by the user and the system (including market data depending on user-input data, such as ATMF Volatility and the Forward rate) as well as any Greeks and values calculated by the system. |
Solver F8 |
Activates the Solver feature. |
Defines whether the results are displayed in terms of the base currency or units of the commodity. |
Deal Capture |
If you are registered for entering deals into a risk management system, the Deal Capture button enters this deal/portfolio directly into either of the following (depending on your user configuration): Your own third-party system. |
Lets you define your own market volatility for the current option and then recalculate its price, Greeks and other results.
Lets you define your own price per unit for the current option and then recalculate its market volatility, Greeks and other results.
In the Single Option page the Choice button: Indicates that a choice price has been assigned to this leg of the strategy. Lets you toggle between seeing the bid/ask price and actual choice price assigned to this leg.
Activates the Premium Installments feature (whereby you can choose to pay the premium in installments rather than as a single payment up front) for the current instrument. |
Deactivates the Premium Installments feature (whereby you can choose to pay the premium in installments rather than as a single payment up front) for the current instrument. |
Toggle the units of measurement of the commodity between barrels and gallons when pricing a spread option. The value is converted using the conversion factors listed in the Conversion Factors Window. |